San Diego Workers' Compensation Attorney For Knee, Ankle and Foot Injuries
Have you injured your Knee, Ankle or Foot at work?
Knee, ankle and foot injuries are quite common in the workplace.
These lower extremity injuries often result from a slip and fall at work or from prolonged standing/twisting/walking/squatting activities at work. These injuries can affect the motor function of your legs and hips, and prevent you from working at a job requiring physical mobility or weight bearing. The quality of your life in general can be greatly affected by these lower extremity injuries.
Meniscal tears are the most common injury in the knee, requiring surgery. This injury can happen from a single squatting event or from any twisting motion about the knee while the foot is planted. Other knee injuries can involve tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), which can happen from jumping, sudden stopping with the foot planted or severe twisting of the knee. These injuries typically require arthroscopic surgery. Patellar Tendinitis is an inflammation and irritation around the patellar tendons and is caused by excessive kneeling or bending activities or going up and down stairs frequently.
Ankle sprains and strains are a common work injury resulting from turning and twisting activities while planting the foot on uneven surfaces. While most ankle injuries are treated with physical therapy, crutches or braces, more serious ankle injuries may require surgery.
A common and painful foot injury is Plantar fasciitis and can result from prolonged walking and stair climbing activities. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the tissue around the heel. Medical care is usually conservative and can involve physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, acupuncture, medications and corticosteroid injections. Surgery is usually the last option.
Overall, a serious work injury to your knee, ankle or foot can have a lifelong effect on your quality of life and your ability to continue working.
How can an attorney help you with your ankle, foot or knee injury claim?
Being able to get the maximum benefits available to you, whether it is medical care or disability benefits, is the job of the Workers’ Compensation Attorney. This means finding a good treating doctor to properly diagnose you and to provide quality medical care, monitoring your treatment, and then getting final evaluations from medical experts to explain your condition, your disability and your future medical needs. It also means dealing with the insurance company and their lawyers on your behalf every step of the way. This includes going to court on your behalf whenever necessary to protect your right to benefits.
Why should you choose the Acosta Law Office to represent you?
Getting full compensation for your ankle, foot or knee injury is what the Acosta Law Office can do for you. Attorney Ray C. Acosta has over 39 years of experience in handling workers’ compensation cases, making him familiar with how insurance companies operate and the strategies they use to minimize their liability to injured workers. The Acosta Law Office can help you at every stage of the process: filing the claim, finding a good treating doctor to properly diagnose your condition and to provide you with quality medical care, selecting a medical expert to evaluate you, ensuring you get paid the right amount of benefits, helping you get reimbursed for out of pocket expenses, going to court when necessary, and resolving your claim with the insurance company to get you the best result possible.
For a free consultation with the Acosta Law Office, call 619-391-993 or send us an email.