San Diego Workers' Compensation Attorney For Back and Neck Injuries
Did you hurt your back or neck at work?
Did you know that a back injury is the most common type of injury in the Workers’ Compensation system?
A neck or back injury can occur for many reasons. The most common neck or low back injury involves a sprain or strain. A sprain is an injury to the ligaments, while a strain is an injury to the muscles. These work injuries are typically caused by repeated lifting motions, carrying a heavy load, a slip and fall as well as whiplash injuries due to car or truck accidents.
Regardless of the cause of your injury, it can be painful and
debilitating. While your pain symptoms are usually located at
the source of the sprain or strain, sometimes your pain will
radiate to your hands with a neck injury or to your legs with
a low back injury. This radiating pain or numbness and tingling
of your limbs can mean you have a disc herniation. Identifying
the cause of your pain and potential treatment options requires
a knowledgeable physician along with proper diagnostic testing.
Conservative treatment therapies such as physical therapy,
chiropractic treatment or acupuncture may be of benefit to you
early in the case, while steroid injections are also used to treat
inflammation and pain. Surgery is the last resort for many serious
spine injuries.
How can an attorney help you with your back or neck injury claim?
Being able to get the maximum benefits available to you, whether it is medical care or disability benefits, is the job of the Workers’ Compensation Attorney. This means finding a quality doctor to properly diagnose you and to provide expert medical care, monitoring your treatment, and then getting final evaluations from medical experts to explain your condition, your disability, and your future medical needs. It also means dealing with the insurance company and their lawyers on your behalf every step of the way. This includes going to court on your behalf whenever necessary, to protect your right to benefits.
Why should you choose the Acosta Law Office to represent you on your claim?
Getting full compensation and medical care for your back or neck injury is what the Acosta Law Office can do for you. Attorney Ray C. Acosta has over 39 years of experience in handling workers’ compensation cases, including back and neck injuries. He is familiar with how insurance companies operate and the strategies they use to minimize their liability to injured workers. The Acosta Law Office can help you at every stage of the process: filing the claim, finding a treating doctor to properly diagnose your condition and to provide you with proper medical care, selecting a medical expert to evaluate you, ensuring you get paid the maximum amount of benefits, helping you get reimbursed for out of pocket expenses, going to court when necessary, and resolving your claim with the insurance company to get you the best result possible.
For a free consultation with the Acosta Law Office, call 619-391-993 or send us an email.
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